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White Pony Productions

Dedicated Color Artwork
To Mark Stanley's Online Comic, Freefall
and Florence Ambrose.

Color Artwork
Page 4 of 5.
Color artwork by Mark Stanley showing the dangers of writing poetry under a Killer Tree.

White Pony © S.Kidwell.
Art & Color by Mark Stanley.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony's and Florence's St.Valentine's Day Gift 2004.

Art by White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.

1024x768 High Rez Copy Here.
Another Beautiful 3D Artwork by Little Dragon.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
3D Art by Little Dragon
All rights reserved, including world rights.

1024x768 High Rez Copy Here.
3D Artwork by Little Dragon for National Hug Week (May 02 to 08) and my birthday on May 05.
Close up of Florence & White Pony.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
3D Art by Little Dragon
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Color artwork by Anthony Sarkasuo (from Finland) for White Pony's birthday, May 2004.

White Pony © S.Kidwell.
Art & Color by Anthony Sarkasuo.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Color artwork by ShadowCat.  Florence for White Pony's birthday, May 2004.   *woof*

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by ShadowCat.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Florence on her birthday, March 2004.  Also celebrating Mark Stanley's 6th-year online.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony and Florence on her birthday, March 2005.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony and Florence on her birthday, March 2005.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell.
3D Art by Mapper.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony and Florence together.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony and Florence relaxing together.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Outtake detail of Florence relaxing.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Outtake detail of CTC #012, Where Florence is pushing White Pony in the office chair.  This one is my favorite.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Outtake detail of CTC #057, where Mzzkiti is wearing her sexy "I Dream of Mzzkiti" outfit.

Mzzkiti © Bill Redfern.
Art & Color by S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Outtake detail of CTC #060, Where Florence is wearing her winter outfit.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Art & Color by S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Chris (Koz) thought he was being funny when he originally drew Florence wearing a leather outfit, sporting a Cricket paddle.  I of course revealed that the real Florence would never do such a thing.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Original Line Art by Chris "Koz" Kozloski.
Art & Color by S.Kidwell.
All rights reserved, including world rights.

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The images, artwork, characters, costume and stories expressed here are
Copyright © 1984-2017 White Pony Productions,
The character "Florence" copyright © Mark Stanley
All Rights, including World Rights are Reserved.

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