White Pony Productions

Dedicated Animation Artwork
To Mark Stanley's Online Comic, Freefall
and Florence Ambrose.

Animation of White Pony's love for Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall.)

Original Art and Animation by White Pony
Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) and White Pony.

Original Art and Animation by White Pony
Florence © Mark Stanley
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) watching White Pony's Exotic Dance.

Original Art and Animation by White Pony
Florence © Mark Stanley
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation OutTake #01, Scene #7, Take #5 of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation OutTake #02, Scene #6, Take #8 of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation OutTake #03, Scene #6, Take #47 of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation OutTake #04, Scene #1, Take #2 of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation OutTake #05, Scene #4, Take #3 of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) hugging White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by DesertWlf
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) wanting to play ball with White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by Chrysolithos
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Recently added artwork.
Second animation of Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) wanting to play ball with White Pony.

Original Art and Florence © Mark Stanley
Animation by Tiger-T.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Animation of Florence's happy, want to play ball, face.

Florence © Mark Stanley
Art & Animation by White Pony
All rights reserved, including world rights.

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The images, artwork, characters, costume and stories expressed here are
Copyright © 1984-2017 White Pony Productions,
The character "Florence" copyright © Mark Stanley
All Rights, including World Rights are Reserved.

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