White Pony Productions

Just Because

"To Florence with Love"


     The Greatest Love of all is the Legend that was known only among the Unicorns.
     A  Legend that goes back to when time was young.  A Legend about a great winged, warrior unicorn.  A Guardian stallion named E’pon, who fell in love with a beautiful female.  Their love for each other was greater than all the suns in the universe.  But she was mortal, and there was nothing E’pon could do to prevent her death.  But before she died, she reminded E’pon of his promise, "That you would always be here for me."
     It was said that their love for each other was so strong that the Ancient Gods took pity on them and allowed her soul to be reborn from time to time--but at a price paid by E'pon.  And for over the countless centuries E’pon has fought to stay alive, so that he might be with her again and again as he promised.
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The character "Florence" Copyright © 2002 Mark Stanley
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