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White Pony Productions

Dedicated Black & White Artwork
To Mark Stanley's Online Comic, Freefall
and Florence Ambrose.

Black and White Artwork
Cleanup and correction pencil sketch of Mark Stanley's character Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall.)

Florence © Mark Stanley.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Inked artwork of Mark Stanley's character Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) and White Pony embarking on Their first Eastern Caribbean Cruise.  Cruise Log Entries

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Inked artwork of Mark Stanley's character Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) wearing her new gold swimsuit For her first Eastern Caribbean Cruise with White Pony. 
Florence © Mark Stanley.BR> All rights reserved, including world rights.
Inked artwork of Mark Stanley's character Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall) and White Pony embarking on Their first Eastern Caribbean Cruise.  Cruise Log Entries.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Inked artwork of Mark Stanley's character Florence (from Mark's online comic, Freefall.) New outfit and hairstyle for Florence.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Artwork by White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
For some strange reason, Sam and White Pony don't trust each other.

Sam StarFall © Mark Stanley
Artwork and White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony finds once more, after centuries of waiting, the Love of his Eternity, his soul-mate reincarnated again.
From The Unicorn Legend.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Artwork and White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony on his way to see the one True Love of his eternal life.

Artwork and White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Feeling better after nearly a two month illness that nearly killed the little unicorn, White Pony is back to looking after his Love.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
Artwork and White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony receiving a little Tender Loving Care from Nurse Florence.

Artwork from a friend, ShadowCat at the "Freefall" Forum.
Florence © Mark Stanley.
Artwork and White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Florence taking a lunch break from her care of her little unicorn.

Mark sent me a rough pencil sketch of this piece, so I asked permission to clean it up and gray scale color it.

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
White Pony taking Florence to the "Spirit Onsen."

Florence © Mark Stanley.
White Pony © White Pony.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Mzzkiti wishing White Pony a Happy Birthday for 2005.

White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
Art by Bill Redfern.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Shorter haircut to make White Pony look younger for his Birthday.

White Pony © S.Kidwell, aka: White Pony.
Art by Tiger_T.
All rights reserved, including world rights.
Pencil drawing of White Pony congradulating Old Wolf about his number of posts on the "Freefall" forum.

Art by White Pony © S.Kidwell.
Oldwolf © Ccdesan.
All rights reserved, including world rights.

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The images, artwork, characters, costume and stories expressed here are
Copyright © 1984-2017 White Pony Productions,
The character "Florence" copyright © Mark Stanley
All Rights, including World Rights are Reserved.

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